Lisa Biggs Boy Voices (for Girls)

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Lisa Biggs Boy Voices (for Girls)

Learn how to create & sustain masculine-sounding voices! Lisa will take you through the process of manipulating your sound into a deeper range with advanced vocal techniques and help you create bookable boy voices. She’ll cover the essentials behind the development of your signature “boy sound” including intonation, resonance, articulation, physicality and more ++ Then she’ll move into how to effectively market your boy voice so “he” can start bringing home the bacon!


  • Practice vocal techniques designed to adjust the qualities within your natural voice
  • Adjust your physicality to increase your range
  • Consider the psychology of speaking from a male perspective
  • Boost your boy voice confidence so your character becomes fully developed
  • Discover ways to market your new voice and start booking

About Lisa: Lisa Biggs is one of the most experienced “little boys” in the industry. Liam, her signature boy voice, books heavily in every genre of voiceover. From network promos and animation, to national commercials, video games, and even text to speech. In 2018 alone, Liam booked over 700,000 words for various narration & e-learning projects for clients around the globe.

November 19 2020
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Date: November 19, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm America/New_York
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Website: Visit Event Website
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Lisa Biggs
Phone: (+1) 310 388-7886
Website: Visit Organizer Website