Marc Cashman’s Benefit Webinar

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Marc Cashman’s Benefit Webinar

Benefit* Webinar!

“Finding V-O work in 2021

 Sunday, Feb 21st, 4P-6P PT
(5-7P MT / 6-8P CT / 7-9P ET)
So here we are, ten months since the beginning of the
2020 pandemic.
We’ve been so lucky to have our V-O booths and the Internet to protect us from the sh*tstorm that’s been surreally raging around us.
Unexpectedly, some of us have thrived.
Fortunately, many have maintained.
But some have been struggling.
So let’s keep our V-O aspirations and careers moving forward. Whether you’re at the beginning of your V-O career, whether you’re busy building it and want to do
more, or whether you’ve been doing V-O successfully
for years but would like to expand your horizons, we’ve
got some great ideas, advice and creative inspiration to get you through the next few months–and the rest of this year.
Plus, it doubles as a fundraiser* for a great, local L.A. organization that provides food to people in need as well
as assistance to the homeless. And if there was ever a time
to help out, it’s right now.
This BENEFIT* webinar taps into the brains of three young superheroes of V-O marketing…
Tracy Lindley, Josh Alexander & Tom Aglio.

These three talented, organized and creative voice
actors will share some great V-O marketing tips
with you. It’s for newbies, veterans and everyone in between.  In this BENEFIT* webinar, you’ll get TONS
of info about:
* How to find V-O opportunities on LinkedIn
* Finding & making marketing lists through P2Ps
* Productive marketing with Instagram
* Other Random Goodness


Join me and my colleague, Larry Hudson, for a two-hour voiceover marketing journey with ideas that
might help sustain you over the coming year.
This is one webinar* you don’t want to miss.
And it’s a great chance to learn something new
and support the less fortunate. 
We’ll also reserve some time at the end of the webinar

for Q&As.


*A suggested $10 donation or more will help feed many homeless and food-challenged people in the Los Angeles area. If you can afford to contribute more, please do and thank you!

*If you can’t be there, you can still get a recording of it afterward. Everyone who signs up gets a recording.


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February 21 2021
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Date: February 21, 2021
Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm America/Los_Angeles
Event Categories: ,
Event Tags:, ,
Website: Visit Event Website


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Marc Cashman
Phone: (+1) 661 222-9300
Website: Visit Organizer Website