So, unless you’ve been hiding in a cave for the last 5yrs or so, you’ve probably seen the word
“conversational” pop up in auditions, or been given that direction from your coach if you are
still new to VO. It’s one of the most sought after reads in VO right now. Sure, there is still room
for the VOG announcer spots, but the majority of clients are looking for the gal/guy next door
natural read. Like you’re talking to a friend.
As a voice actor, sounding natural and conversational in your auditions and jobs, is one of the
most challenging parts of our industry. So, how do we get there? What are the tips and tricks
to getting over that “ready” sound, and how do we put them into practice?
In this course, you will learn:
How to “find your natural voice” and more importantly how to tap into it when needed.
Different ways to relax you voice and use the right projection for the casual read
Tips on how to “not work so hard”, so the read doesn’t sound “pushed” or over
Tricks on how to connect to the copy, so you don’t have to work on the emotions on the
page, they will come automatically if you are invested in what you are reading.
How to fill your toolbox with the tools you need to get you to that natural read quickly
and easily.
Limited to 10 participants