Simple Home Studio Setups/Gear on the Go – LIVE STREAM
Thursday, March 5, 2020 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Guess what? We know you’re struggling with when, where, how, etc… to set up your first home studio space. I get it… because I’ve been there! This ‘show-and-tell’ style workshop, led by Melissa Moats, will help you better understand what you need to get your home studio recording party started – without spending a fortune – and how to choose your gear wisely so you can also make it mobile! If you’re actively auditioning and booking, the best way to get hired for your next gig… is to go on vacation! LOL! That’s how it always goes! Having a simple travel set up is crucial, and the good news is, your initial home studio set-up can double as your travel gear! Melissa will put your mind at ease when they share equipment & construction tips with you for recording at home AND when you’re on the go! This is a two-in-one workshop you don’t want to miss!