Gravy for the Brain’s Happy Place


The global coronavirus epidemic is forcing many of us into self-isolation, and living and working from home. Some people with families may be ok, and some people who don't may […]

VO Peeps Weekly Workout Series!


Amidst the recent chaos and social distancing, it is more important than ever to be able to connect with our peers and hone our craft so that we may be […]

The Brand Mingle, with Celia Siegel


A free weekly Voiceover Party Every Friday at 10:00am CT Register below and join us!​ Successful entrepreneurs know that top achievers have a team to elevate their success, meet yours! […]

VO Virtual Script Workout

Online via ZOOM

Sometimes you just need a place to practice VO scripts. This is it! A once monthly virtual VO script workout facilitated by Chloe Dolandis. Choose a script from a packet […]