Do you feel that you’re making great performance choices but don’t hear them in playback? The real voice-over challenge is taking that idea in your head and putting it in your body so the words lift off the page and sound real, believable, and truthful. To do that, you have to become consciously aware of your subconscious behavior and trust that you’re the best performer for the job. Your unique point of view and life experiences are the only things that separate you from the crowd. If you feel the need to break free, get out of your head, and become more “real”… check out this webinar with master voice-over coach, author, and voice/diction/melody app creator, Elaine A. Clark!
Elaine will show you how to trust and feel the message and become aware of habits that may be preventing you from booking. She’ll also demonstrate how to effectively use the Word Emphasis Chart. By the end of the webinar, you’ll recognize how your own point of view makes a huge difference in your performance.