What we will cover
Developing advanced performance skills for animated films, TV show videos games and beyond!
Creating in-depth 3-dimensional, emotional characters with long-term sustainability
Expanding your character range in animation and stretching you outside of your comfort zone
Multiple booth workouts weekly with direction from top VO pro
Weekly homework auditions tapes to turn in for critique by our casting directors, producers and pro-talent
Developing the skills for competitive auditions
Creating an arsenal of unique, strong animated characters
Establishing character continuity throughout any copy thrown your way
Honing In-depth strategic approaches to your auditions
Developing strategies on how to market your skills for the right VO agents and voice managers for you!
Learn how to develop strong relationships with your team and maximize your opportunities
Hone your approach and confidence to the entire booking process to handle any direction thrown your way!
Learning how to develop relationships with casting directors and producers for long-term success in the vo industry!