Palm Springs Narrator Retreat

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Palm Springs Narrator Retreat

SAVE THE DATE – application form opens June 1, due July 31.

The Palm Springs Narrator Retreat is a 3-day deep dive into the business and performance aspects of your career

Q: Who is this retreat for?

A: Narrators who are already underway in their careers. In past retreats, the level of experience ranged from just a few to over 400 titles, but everyone was ready for a deep dive, to discover strengths as well as opportunities for growth, and to broaden and deepen their network of colleagues.

Q: Who is this retreat not for?

A: Aspiring narrators. If you are at the very beginning, we suggest Ann Richardson’s Launching for New Narrators online course.

Q: Why do I have to apply?

A: We want to be very intentional about assembling a small group that is diverse in many respects.

Q: What impact did the spring retreat have? Can I hear from an actual narrator?

A: Here are just two examples:

I feel like the weekend the two of you created did more than what I can articulate. I’m already a better, more confident narrator and businesswoman than I was before I got there. And I know I’m entering some kind of renaissance, a reexamination of my life goals and how to reach them. It may not sound like much, but it’s a very big deal.

It was scary…but since committing to the plan I made [at the retreat], I’m doing better books, and my PFH has rocketed up. Thank you so much for your time and your focus. I’m understanding that this is the world that I wished for. It’s a more uncertain place but I’m so much happier being in love with my projects.


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October 21 2023
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Date: October 21, 2023
Recurring: Oct 20th - 22nd
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Casa Bella Tara

Palm Springs, CA United States

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Phone: +1 540-300-2634
Website: Visit Organizer Website