Narrate Audiobooks Written for Kids & Young Adults

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Narrate Audiobooks Written for Kids & Young Adults

Description: Eager to adapt your performances for younger audiences, but lack industry-specific knowledge about narrating children’s and YA books? This course for the “young at heart” will teach you how to expand your performance skills and narrate audiobooks written for kids and young adults. With expert guidance from industry leader Julie Wilson, you’ll pinpoint where your voice fits (kids, young adult, or both!), refine performance techniques, & launch your “younger” voice in the audiobook industry. You will also learn how to incorporate kids content into your larger brand identity.

*FYI* I keep class sizes small to provide personalized attention for every student. Because of that, my courses tend to fill up quickly.

Format: This course utilizes live office hours, personalized feedback, and weekly video lessons to provide a streamlined curriculum and personalized guidance for every student. You will watch our lessons at your own pace but will have specific milestones and homework to complete every week. This format gives you the freedom to complete each lesson on your own time while keeping you on track to reach our class goals. Optional live office hours provide us with the space to discuss the week’s lessons and answer any questions you may have.

April 16 2024
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Date: April 16, 2024
Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm America/Los_Angeles
Recurring: April 8th - May 5th
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Julie Wilson
Phone: 2127829205
Website: Visit Organizer Website