A Complete Guide to Getting Started in Voiceovers

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A Complete Guide to Getting Started in Voiceovers


Every Monday at 16:00 – 17:00 UK time / 11:00 – 12:00 EST / 8:00 – 9:00 PST  there will be a 1-hour online webinar where Rachael will explain the upcoming week’s work and will be on hand to answer any of your questions.  This will be recorded if you are unable to attend it live and available for all attendees to watch back.

Every day participants will be sent an email with information, videos and tasks to complete. This will take about 30 minutes a day.

Also, there will be a closed-facebook group with everyone joining in on this 4 weeks workshop.

If you would like to build the foundations for a successful voiceover business then keep reading.

Here’s an outline for the 4 weeks:

Week 1: Introduction to the industry

Here I will explain; how to get voiceover work, what an agent does, dealing with an agent, the different areas of voiceovers to get work in and much more.

Week 2: Performance and voice technique

During this week it’s all about performance tips, how to bring scripts to life, how to mark-up scripts, taking direction, audition advice, voice technique, basic warm-ups and more.

Week 3: Home studio/ recording at home

This week it’s all about home studio’s what you need just starting out, and more advanced home studio’s, how much do you need to spend on a studio, where to get it, recording platforms, differences between recording styles, punch & roll, and more.

Week 4: Marketing your voiceover business!

How to get yourself noticed! This week it’s all about marketing and creating your brand. In today’s voiceover world you need to know how to market yourself and your business.

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February 21 2022
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Date: February 21, 2022
Time: 8:00 am - 9:00 am America/Los_Angeles
Recurring: Mondays,Feb 21st - April 14th
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