Book Dragon Workshop

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Book Dragon Workshop

April History/Nonfiction workshop, yay!

Here are all the details, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

When – SUNDAY April 28th 11-3:30 (PT)

How much – $150, payments will be due by Friday the 19th, your spot will be forfeit if payment hasn’t been received by then, payment details below.

What to expect – I’ll get the meeting started at 10:45 for anyone who wants to pop on early and chat for a few minutes. Then we’ll get rolling right at 11a, and I’ll open with some rambles about this genre, what the needs of the genre are, and a few of my personal favorites. Then we’ll jump into live readings. I’ll send the reading order on Saturday the 27th, along with the Zoom link for the session. Please also send me the reading scripts by the 27th.


What to prepare – One 3-minute piece from the history/nonfiction genres, any sub-genres (science, political, any historical period, etc.) are welcome so long as they land in that vibe! (please do time your piece to make sure it’s not longer than 3 minutes, just so we all stay on track timewise).

Please note — I will be recording the session and I’ll send that to you all in the week after our session. If anyone has any issues with being recorded, please just let me know and we can adjust. I am also offering (to the five people who weren’t selected) the opportunity to audit the workshop (attend but not read).

April 28 2024
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Date: April 28
Time: 11:00 am - 3:30 pm America/Los_Angeles
Event Categories:
Event Tags:,
Website: Visit Event Website
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Jesse Bickford
Phone: (541) 292-0088
Website: Visit Organizer Website