Marketing departments for corporations and brands have to cut through a lot of noise to reach an ever-jaded audience. Overt sales efforts turn off most modern consumers, and companies are constantly on the lookout for ways to alter their message toward today’s buyer. Increasingly, brands are relying on video as an effective method to convey their new efforts, sales promotions and ideas both internally and in front of possible investors. Your voice is key to making a presentation or promotion truly align with that brand’s message, overall image and purpose.
Established brands and companies weave a mission statement and common core values throughout their corporate narrative. It is our job as narrators to familiarize ourselves with these values and approach the intended audience with empathy. Focus on the nuances behind corporate narration technique by telling the right story, making the message engaging, and connecting with the audience.
Corporate voiceover talent need to understand how to interpret a client’s copy using the words, terms and phrases of that client’s industry. I’ll work with you on identification and extraction of significant words as a means of better comprehending the company’s intended narrative – finding the story hidden within the copy.