eVOcation Zoom Hangout!

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eVOcation Zoom Hangout!

Hey eVOcation attendees 2020/21!
Starting next Wednesday and continuing every other Wednesday, Carin and I will be opening the VOcation Zoom cafe for two hours (11am-1pm ET).
This is an informal room where you can chat, hang out or just lurk with your sound and camera off. There will be no moderator, just fellow eVOcation attendees shooting the breeze.
This is for past attendees of the conference only – a little added perk to say thank you for being a valued part of our community.
Carin and I will show our faces every now and again (work permitting), and I’m sure a few special guests will join too. 😉
See you at next weeks eVO coffee morning!
June 07 2023
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Date: June 7, 2023
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm America/New_York
Recurring: Every Other Wednesday
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