HANDS UP! TV Puppeteering Class w/Paul Liberti & Jim Henson Muppets

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HANDS UP! TV Puppeteering Class w/Paul Liberti & Jim Henson Muppets

Here’s your chance to work with a former Muppet Performer!

4 weeks of solid stamina building exercises for TV On-Camera Puppeteer training. You’ll work with Paul to learn progressive puppet fundamentals allowing you to be able to communicate your acting/performing/emotions clearly to your audience through TV puppet performance.

Weekly exercises that explore the techniques of this magical and exciting business from the beginning – From the simplest of exercises to the very complex – to gain the skills needed to advance to a professional level.

– Practice proper puppet (Muppet style) lip-sync techniques

– Learn how to use a ‘non-flipped’ monitor

– Learn puppet on camera choreography techniques!

You’ll also learn secrets and tips each week –  to bring you up to speed as a professional puppeteer.  You will also re-create some of the Muppets most memorable sketches in class i.e. Java, Mahna Mahna, I Feel Pretty – so that you can actually get inside the movement and learn the camera secrets explored in each.

Once you register, you will need to purchase at least one puppet to use for your classes with Paul. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

Paul highly recommends this puppet: Brown Sugar – hand puppet, muppet style
You want to order it it with ARMS AND RODS.
It is a great puppet because the mouth is very flexible.

Brown Sugar – hand puppet, muppet style:

April 21 2021
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Date: April 21, 2021
Time: 10:00 am America/Los_Angeles
Recurring: Wednesdays April 21st - May 12th
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