Historical Fiction: Elements, Context, and Language

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Historical Fiction: Elements, Context, and Language

This intensive will focus on narrating historical fiction, using text analysis and acting techniques that bring greater specificity, nuance, and naturalness to our performances in this vast genre.

  • How do we identify the various elements of historical fiction during text preparation: style, character, dialogue, setting, theme, and social norms?

  • How do we bring the social, historical, and political mores and ideas of the book’s era into our performances?

  • How do we make unfamiliar, stylized, or heightened language personal to you and accessible to a contemporary audience?

Text will be assigned for this class with scenes from a number of time periods and sub genres in historical fiction with an opportunity as always for everyone to read with feedback and direction.

June 01 2024
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Date: June 1
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm America/New_York
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Website: Visit Event Website
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Shannon Parks
Website: Visit Organizer Website