In this class, you will learn how to set yourselves up for the Mocap experience. You will learn the differences and similarities between Mocap acting and film/tv acting, as well as what kinds of skill sets are particularly useful in Mocap.
Camille will go over some practical realities that can actually land you the jobs in mocap — tactical (or practical) skills which are often as important as your performance. Students will have the opportunity to develop a level of comfort with being in a Mocap suit, and will receive tips and pointers assisting them to be embodied in the suit and not constrained by it. The students should see that the invitation in Mocap is to use your imagination and be free, that acting in a mocap in environment is like acting anywhere else, once you decide not to let the paraphernalia restrict you.
Each student will have the opportunity to perform sides, with feedback from director Camille Thoman about how to obey the rules of mocap—such as don’t touch your head, don’t touch your face, don’t interlace your fingers– while feeling totally free and in your body. Finally, the students will have the opportunity to work on and build what Camille believes is the “secret” to the best acting whether it is on a Mocap volume or on location — trust.
This class is limited to 10 students.