Documentary film makers Yale Strom and Elizabeth Schwartz successfully produced “American Socialist: The Life and Times of Eugene Victor Debs,” and now want to tell his story, and the story of socialism in America, via podcast and a radio play. Working from the source materials that made their documentary so powerful, they are focusing on how, even after being jailed for speaking out against World War I, Debs ran a successful bid for the US Presidency from jail and brought socialism to the US. SHUTTLE AVAILABLE TO MUSEUM – see below.SHUTTLE SERVICE TO AND FROM WWI MUSEUMThere will be two shuttle runs to the WWI museum – BOTH leaving from the front of the Holiday Inn Country Club Plaza.The first will leave at 12:15pm (Promptly)The second at 12:40pm (Promptly)After the performance at the WWI museum there will be a shuttle at 2:40pm bringing those wishing to attend AN AFTERNOON WITH ALISON LARKIN directly to BRAGG AUDITORIUM for the 3:00pm show.The balance will be returned to the Holiday Inn.If needed, a second shuttle at 3:15pm will pick up the balance of the HNF guests at the WWI museum and return them to the Holiday Inn.
Prisoner 9653 For President – Eugene Victor Debs & 1919: Peace & Vengeance