See Your Name in Shiny Lights!

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See Your Name in Shiny Lights!

Happy Birthday, Bruno Mars!

🎶 I wanna be a cartoon voice, so freakin’ bad…

Land all of the gigs I never had…

Be on the cover of a VO Magazine,

Smilin next to Bergen, as Tweety!

If every time you close your eyes, you hear your voice in the primetime, Everett Oliver’s Animation Intensive is the workshop for you! Everett has worked on primetime favorites such as The King of the Hill and The Simpsons and knows what it takes to succeed in the world of animation. The Peeps better prepare, for Everett Oliver 🎶!

October 23 2019
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Date: October 23, 2019
Time: 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm America/Los_Angeles


Jonathan Bray