Starving & Panicked No More

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Starving & Panicked No More

Join award-winning actors Jennifer Jill Araya and Marni Penning for an in-depth and in-person discussion of the business and the art of being a working actor.

Sunday, March 26, 2023. 10am-3pm

(Catered Box Lunch Included)

Studio 1013, AMDA, 244-250 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019

During Jennifer’s business-focused discussion, you will:

  • Define what makes a project creatively fulfilling for you, and why it matters.
  • Define what makes a project financially fulfilling for you, and why it matters.
  • Determine where your individual “creative & financial sweet spot” lies.
  • Learn what do to with projects that don’t fall into your sweet spot.
  • Structure your marketing and networking activities so that you bring more “creative and financial sweet spot” projects your way.

During Marni’s craft-focused discussion, you will:

  • Deliver your best performance, every time, no matter the circumstances, wow the producer, and get the job.
  • Discover the golden keys to relax and PLAY in every single performance, even if you only have five minutes with the material.
  • “Build your playground” of unique marks to deliver a specific, memorable, text-based performance at a glance.
  • Eliminate stress about audition confidence – Forever!

    Join award-winning actors Jennifer Jill Araya and Marni Penning for an in-depth and in-person discussion of the business and the art of being a working actor.

    Sunday, March 26, 2023. 10am-3pm

    (Catered Box Lunch Included)

    Studio 1013, AMDA, 244-250 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019

    During Jennifer’s business-focused discussion, you will:

    • Define what makes a project creatively fulfilling for you, and why it matters.
    • Define what makes a project financially fulfilling for you, and why it matters.
    • Determine where your individual “creative & financial sweet spot” lies.
    • Learn what do to with projects that don’t fall into your sweet spot.
    • Structure your marketing and networking activities so that you bring more “creative and financial sweet spot” projects your way.

    During Marni’s craft-focused discussion, you will:

    • Deliver your best performance, every time, no matter the circumstances, wow the producer, and get the job.
    • Discover the golden keys to relax and PLAY in every single performance, even if you only have five minutes with the material.
    • “Build your playground” of unique marks to deliver a specific, memorable, text-based performance at a glance.
    • Eliminate stress about audition confidence – Forever!
March 26 2023
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Date: March 26, 2023
Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm America/Los_Angeles
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AMADA Studio 1013

244-250 West 54th Street
New York, New York 10019 United States Minor Outlying Islands

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Jennifer Jill Araya
Website: Visit Organizer Website