The State of VO with DC Glenn

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The State of VO with DC Glenn

Thursday, April 29th at 7p ET/4p PT
The State Of VO puts the spotlight on REINVENTION when viral sensation DC Glenn shows you how his perpetual pursuit of reinvention took him from a 3-time platinum record to a voiceover career, TV & Film Acting, and a viral Super Bowl commercial. DC Glenn will break down his process so that you too can create a whole new trajectory in your own career.  There’s an old saying that goes something like, “Work hard enough so that you no longer have to introduce yourself.” DC’s success shows you that working hard isn’t enough. You’ve got to work smart and be aware of what you have to give.

You may ask yourself, “What more can I do to make a meaningful difference in my career?” This is your chance to hear directly from a VO actor whose own unique hustle will show you the promised land – sharing inspired strategies you can make YOUR own. It’s all happening on a special The State Of VO
Thursday, April 29 at 7pm ET/4pm PT.

April 29 2021
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Date: April 29, 2021
Time: 4:00 pm America/Los_Angeles
Event Tags:,
Website: Visit Event Website
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Society of Voice Arts and Sciences (SOVAS)
Website: Visit Organizer Website