All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church is a liberal religious community located in the heart of Kansas City. We welcome all people who seek lives of integrity, service, meaning, and spiritual maturity, inclusive of race and ethnic heritage, gender identity and sexual orientation, age, ability, financial and religious background, and theological persuasion. We are a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association, a Welcoming Congregation and a Green Sanctuary.
It is our mission to:
The All Souls congregation has a Humanist heritage, and a long history of advocating for social justice and civic dialogue. Our members come from a wide variety of religious backgrounds, and our diverse community includes atheists, agnostics and theists; Humanists, Christians and Buddhists, as well as followers of the earth-centered traditions, and others. We are united by our desire always to be growing into the people we hope to become, and to help make the world we share a better place for everyone.
Our ministers and dedicated professional staff work together with democratic lay leadership to create a program of education, outreach, and celebration that nurtures the human spirit for all ages. We teach the importance of conscience and reason, questions and connections, justice and peace, and the dignity of each person’s unique life journey. We seek answers to the challenges we all face; not from tradition or authority, but rather from shared experience, mutual responsibility, human creativity, and individual courage.
We invite visitors to join us, on Sunday mornings as well as other times; we love to share our excitement about the joy of living into the covenant of community together.
The Abaton Calendar is a resource created for and by voice talent, to help create meaningful connections and forge and maintain professional and personal relationships. (And hopefully, have a hell of a lot of fun in the process).