Voice Over Website Design and SEO with Karin Barth

Voice Over Website Design and SEO with Karin Barth

Voice Over Website Design and SEO with Karin Barth – Episode 130

Hosted By: Marc Scott

From: The VOpreneur

If you’re going to build a website for your voice over business, there’s really only one company you need to speak with and that’s Voice Actor Websites. I used them to build my site (marcscottvoiceover.com) and I think they’ve built almost every other voice actor website I know of.

SEO makes my brain hurt. Paying for great SEO apparently costs several multiples of the average mortgage payment (something I learned in this interview!) Does that mean the Everyday VOpreneur is left hopeless in trying to draw a little Google search engine love to their websites? Nope! Not all hope is lost!

Karin Barth from Voice Actor Websites has plenty of great info to offer up when it comes to building your site and maximizing as much free SEO potential as you can. From design tips to content strategies, I know you’re going to walk away from this episode with some great advice and some actionable strategies!

Karin Barth – https://voiceactorwebsites.com

Karin on Instagram – @karinblive

Marc on Twitter – @marcscott

Marc on Instagram – @marcscott


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